Sunday, November 11, 2012

Will Power

“You are the only person on earth who can use your ability.”
 ~ Zig Ziglar

What is will power? We are told that will power is self-control: the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior, or will power is the self discipline to sacrifice a short term good to gain a long term good. People have also said that we are the Will. Whatever your definition of Will--hopefully it works for you, but please note that Will is a tool, rather than what we are. We are told in scripture that we have free-will. How can we have free-will when we are constantly being bombarded with how to act, how to dress and how to think etcetera in this worldly world?... We were born free, but somehow we lost our freedom when we became indoctrinated by this worldly world. Free-will then became a matter of freeing the will. 

"Push your feelings aside for a minute
and do what you have to do,
since you have to do it anyway.
Otherwise, precious moments are being
wasted on your own internal oppressors."

Doubt, Worries, Laziness, Stress, Frustration, Troubles, Anger, Fears etc.

Internal Oppressors: As the quote states, following the words at the bottom of it are slave masters, but inside of ourselves, or internal oppressors as the quote states. 

If you are feeling these feelings or different ones that are causing you suffering, please do not try to avoid them. Trying to avoid them or reacting to them will just make them bigger. Notice them, observe them and know that the feelings are not you (you weren't born with these feelings) and overtime they Will lose power. Know that you will constantly be tested, because that's what Lucifer does; test our process. 

We build a house, but it takes tools to build that house. We don't go into a hardware store and just take a tool and walk out with it, which would be against the law. We have to spend money (Spirit) in order to buy that or those tools. I have previously mentioned the Will being a tool, but the money in this case would be spirit. We go through different situations and negative feelings may occur, but we start to have less reaction to them and spirit starts to build up. We then take that spirit, or money in it's parable and apply for a lay-away plan to buy the best dog gone Will tool out there. Every spirit dollar you put towards the Will tool, your able to use from the Will tool; obviously different rules apply to the spirit
world. : )

We have been mis-educated through growing up for a reason. That reason may be because our spiritual father and mother wanted us to leave the nest, in order for us to see what they went through, to be in the position that they are in. 

Free The Will

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