Sunday, November 11, 2012

God Exposed!

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.
 ~ Mother Teresa

There is so much to be said here in this note, that I really do not know where to begin. We have been lied to through our whole lives, but I can see the reasoning for that, which is very complexed but simple to the Higher Self. We were told that we have evolved, but the truth is that we have been perfecting through chaos.

Many of us have been told that God is a person, but the truth is: "God has split into many persons in order to attain Self Realization, but through the cells of the body (puzzle pieces) for which it is." In one puzzle piece, we can find the total puzzle (Oneness), but how many of us have studied our bodies?...

God is our persons or body in this dual world, but the person is only a map (which is part of nature) that is used to build our souls, with the tools that it posesses, such as: Will, Emotions, Thinking, Sexual Force, Eyes etc. If we do not use these tools for the task at hand, guess what? Someone will find those tools and donate them, or keep them for themselves; hence, the ego. 

In some form of Ancient Egyptian language; pr is the abbreviation for Per, meaning house. Person, per-sun, or house the sun. The Spanish word for sun is sol; isn't it?... Sol sounds like soul doesn't it?... I wouldn't doubt that the word soul comes from the Spanish word sol. The core of the Earth is a soul or a Sun, if you will. 

In the Blackslaw Dictionary, a Person is a Corporation or Core for Ration. We are born soverign, and our mother's and father's are our King and Queen and within the child are The God and Goddess, but the Goddess is stripped away or suppressed as the child becomes older by society. We are given a Birth/Berth Certificate and Social Secuirty Card; thus, taking away our soverignty and God given rights in exchange for privelages, which can be taken away at anytime, because that child is now property of the Federal State. Why do you think social services can take away your child if they suspect you of not treating their property right? Hmmm! Why do you think they say we were born into SIN? The social security number is a 9-digit number which one needs in order to work in the country or to get government benefits. In Canada it is called:
SIN is slavery, no matter what way it is looked at.

The Feds claim the bodies while the Vatican claims the Soul's/Suns, and I wouldn't doubt it if the Zionist's have taken over the Vatican. We give these mainstream religions power over our soul's when we pRAise their Gods (what a corruption, when you are God). Why did you capitolize the r and the a in praise? Oh, I did that for a reason. In Ancient Egypt, RA(y) was known as the Sun, or the Sun God. When we pRAy to outside dieties, we deprive our own Soul's of growth. Just like how we exchange our rights for privelages; we deprive our knowing for belief's. Belief keeps the ego (THEM) active while knowing/knowledge disintegrates it. Looks like we may have fell off the ledge and into their school system. Their school system teaches us how to live in Hell. Grades (that much into the ground). After the 12th grade, we go to college (not saying don't go to college) for Degree's; degrees of Hell. We were not raised, but lowered into the ground. RAising implies becoming One with our Soul's after the 12th grade (metaphor).

THEY say: "In God We Trust," because they trust Us to keep doing what we have been doing, which keeps Them (ego) alive. The ego is filled with demons that makes us think that our thoughts and feelings are always our own; then the action takes place once we identify ourselves with those thoughts or emotions.

Your Body is God--what we create from that body can be used against Us or for Us.    



Among a thousand who seek me, one finds me. Among a thousand who find me, one follows me. And among a thousand who follow me, one is mine.” - Bhagavad-Gita

Beautiful saying from Lord Krishna isn't it?... I find it fascinating that this quote can be taken also internally.
Let's go in, and go out, in and out again. Think about how a baby manifests from an intimate couple making love, or just having sex.. Depending on the male; millions upon millions of sperm cells can be released into the female, and then the race starts. The cells are racing to the egg, (Earth) so that the cell may be born, but the mother's body is destroying as many of these cells as she can because her system finds these entities to be foreign.


Man-made religions are created, which pushes back out a few thousand cells. TV is created and we watch a bunch of non-sense on it, which pushes back a few more thousand. External jobs are created which may slow down the process, must we must work in order to make an external living, but this may also push back a few more thousand. All kinds of distractions are created to slow down the race, but these are the tests. We are constantly tested. Wouldn't you want your child to be much more stronger than you?... Well, this is what the God and Goddess want as well. They want the best of the best to return back to them from chaos. How are diamonds created? How do roses grow from concrete? How does a funny looking critter like a caterpillar grow into a butterfly?

We fight one another, which slows down a few thousand more cells. Sports keeping people seperate and competing with one another slows down a few more thousand cells. Corrupted music, controlling of minds, movies, TV shows etc.

Through all of this, one cell makes it to the egg (Earth). Think of these cells as souls that want to incarnate into physical bodies, but they are constantly tested in the womb (Earth). The strongest survives. The soul is finally developing in the mother until it is Born. I think babies know that they have to repeat the same madness again that they already went through, but in the physical plane; perhaps this is why they cry after exiting the mother earth--it can be anything though. Maybe because they have been in darkness for so long, and then born into the light/artificial light, which is blinding. Think about yourself watching TV in the dark, and then you turn the light on--it hurts your eyes for a minute. 

Here on earth, we must not get caught up in mainstream things, especially in the western world because eveything is reversed. White is Black and black is white. Prescription pills are mainstream when natural herbs are not etc.

Be of Service to Humanity and You Will Be Heard. The Power is Already Within All of You.

God became your enemy on Earth to keep you buried in the dirt, but it is your job to resurrect from that dirt with what the Goddess has given You. Don't expect anyone to help you or govern you for your own interest. 


As Above So Below

No one has been barred on account of his race from fighting or dying for America, there are no white or colored signs on the foxholes or graveyards of battle.
~ John F. Kennedy

Although the quote stated the term race, but actually; there is no such thing as race, but a race of souls to the others. In Ancient Kemet (Egypt), they called the Sun: "RA," (Ray). Rrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaayyyyysssss (Race).
We are not races, but rays of the Sun. The Sun is but an illuminated moon.

When we pRAY, who are we pRAYing too? Most of us will say God, but who is God? Who is the God, as in: "In God We Trust," on the dollar bills and coins. America (A Meri Ka) which is formed from two Ancient Egytptian words: "Meri and Ka." Meri means beloved, while Ka is the shadow; thus, a beloved shadow. These are the beings that wants our rays, which is our life force. When we pray, we are most likely pRAYing to these reptiles and they give us so little in return for our life force. The sexual energy which lies in the sperm is also our life force, in which they say spill spill spill--we wonder why pornography is so easily accesible.

Parasites, germs, viruses, reptiles, or whatever you choose to call them were cast out of the darkness and into the light, and from the light and into the grave; hence Earth. These parasites take on white bodies because they are easier to hack into because of biology, but not always the case. Black bodies are much harder because of the biology, but not always the case. The same enemy of the Human Rays are controlling both sides of the fence, but most of us have not noticed it. We say this is a black thing, as the black panther's stated, and pushed away the individuals of a diffrerent skin complexion, but in the spiritual realm they were pushing away the light, or their brothers and sister. Ahhhhh!!! No wonder they failed. They couldn't see clearly.

We are beings that are perfecting, so in this sense we have had different bodies. A white individual can be more black than a black person, or a black person can act more white. An asian can act more like a white person or black, or any other ray for that matter etc.

We are perfecting our souls (moons) into Suns. But we can only do this through the Light, which is given to the soul.

Our life forces has constantly been robbed from us--If we were to see this in the spiritual world, we would see it physically, because this is what we understand... We would see a bully taking away a kids lunch, water, money, or see an african to the skin and bones, and this is exacttly what these parasites have been doing to our souls. How can you fight when you do not have life force, or a lack of it?... How can you even go to school when you are to weak to even get out of bed?...

Think of the slavery in the opposite sense. If the blacks were the ones that did all kinds of horrific things to your ancestors, and you as a black person wanted to help them, and they tell you that they do not neerd your help because you are the enemy. Inside your head, your thinking; dude, i'm not like they at all-- I hate they ass too. Lol!

We are all One Family, One Body that has not noticed a cancer virus in our body. One person asked me the other day: "Cypher, you say all of this, but white people got all the money." I replied: Blacks have all of the no money, what's the difference?... Lol! Money is only a subsitution for spirit, and they are just as ignorant as we are.

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson are controlled by the same enemy that control the Whites. Pastor's also work for the same enemy, but i'm not sure if all of them knows this, although they were taught how to read the bible by the enemy. The enemy is not always so visible. This has been a battle of Darkness and Light, when you are just reflections, or compliments of one another. You all have a Sun within yourselves, and everyone around you are your Rays. Wake Up Suns! 


Message from Yacub (The Scientist)

A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.
~ Saul Bellow


Most of you know me by the name of Yacub/Yakub/Yacob, doesn't matter because now you will know the truth about me. I was once like you--did not know who eye was, where eye came from nor where I was going. Here is my story.

One day I spoke with a True Individual that went by some strange name of El Manas. "Ridiculous!" I thought to myself as the name comes from two different languages. He stared at me and said: "I know what your thinking." I disagreed. He said: "you claim these thoughts about me as your own, but at the same time you are possessed by the Sun Legion." "Sun Legion," I said. "Yes! Sun Legion," he said. "Sun Legion is what Re-Legion is, and you are so possessed that you cannot see, hear, or think, and not aware that you are in the womb called Earth. "Please go on," I said.

Nature is the Teach Her. Nature will teach you what you need to know about this illusion you live in. You are nothing more than a sperm cell in Earth's Womb, waiting to be born. However, to be born; one must do the work of a Scientist. Nature shows you what needs to be done, what must be developed. You have a left part of your brain and a right part of your brain, which both compliments one another. The brain forms the body, or the cube that You reside in; making three. You also have three parts of your brain, or three brains in one:
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Physical
You can find these Sun Legions in all three of these bodies or brains. Like I said: "You must become a Scientist of Self." Nature has already done the work, and so shall You. 


So, I took the advice of El Manas and started doing the work and watched Nature; knowledge became clearer for me. Here in the Grave; hence, Gravity is where we become born again or just born, considering this world is an illusion. I know about your bible and the 7 deadly sins they say. The 7 deadly sins are different Ra Cist's (Races/Ethnic) of beings. I started to graft these beings out of me, so that I too may become like El Nanda. Once you graft one of these beings outside of yourself, the Sun will burn it or them up, regaining the awakeness (consciousness) the being put to sleep. I know what you are thinking. The Sun burns up white people--here we go again. Black and White are only parables on this low vibrating realm, which is the Grave/Gravity/Hell. In much higher realms White represents the Light, so that you can see what is in the Dark. Much like how you use your flashlight to see in a dark place or places. You may have black skin, but think like a disease of the earth. You may have white skin and think like a disease, and the same for every other so called "race." You don't need to race to anything; on the contrary, race represents Sun. 

The parasite aliens on this planet likes to use white bodies, so that they can keep black and white apart for the most part. All of you are ONE; the same people, but you created these parasite aliens when you became divided and became the Sun Legions, but everything has it's purpose. You can have your gods as long as you like, but the ONE that sent you here is unseen but seen through what is seen. 

What happens to Vampires when they step in the Sun? They burn up. These ego's (beings) hide inside of you, so that they won't burn up. You must notice through your three bodies when they are trying to suck your blood, turning you into them. If you do not notice it, you will identify with that thought (bite) etc and react the way the being wants you to, without knowing you've been bitten. Become the scientist and explore yourself by working on not identifying. You will be tested by your own Internal Sun, your True Individuality.

Practice not identifying, and it will become easier, or maybe harder--depends on your conditioning. The struggle is an illusion that has been created by vampires. But your task here is to resurrect your Sun through Oneness. Vampires are of different "ethnics," but they love the food which contains melanin.

Look at the Sun and how it does not care what "ethnic" you are; it still shines upon you.

Remember, eliminate, crystallize, identification and Resurrect your Sun. When you resurrect your Sun, you bring more of "God," or the Good/Love into this world, while becoming a Sun of God.

Is the Sun in the sky your Sun? No! then it must be the Earth's Sun (God's Sun). 

Most likely when one says "I" in a sentence, the vampire Most of the time is speaking, but it depends on how one is speaking.

Rest In Peaces until you become ONE!


The Scientist 


Holiday (Poem)

Holidays in general breed unrealistic expectations. The minute you start wondering, 'is it going to be wonderful enough?,' it never will be.Pepper Schwartz


No celebrations of valentines day making the soul decay into puree
Cursed by cupid's bow and arrow of lustful ways, loving my lady everyday activating sacred DNA
The rabbit representing fertility of human soul embryo's that hasn't hatched yet
April 1st use to be new years day so April fools mind-set
Text or call the family that has your back, telling them you appreciate them
Let's not wait till the rich tells us to celebrate because Us they condemn
In Memorial of those that served the republic of false enemies created
A corporation must always have a president that's mandated
Soldier's have been deceived for their bravery
Independence for whom? Social security and birth certificate slavery
Romance but the Romans knew of no such love
To rule over the masses was well-thought-of
How nice of them to give us a day off for labor day and others gotten
Slaves need a break from picking all that cotton
Columbus day hahaha as the Indians and others laugh
The victor, trickster history hand-craft
Halloween, Hollywood same thing
Chess players they are the corrupted queen answers to king
Veterans day as I see many of them asking for change to eat
Alot of them are helped in order to cover up their deceit with concrete
Thanksgiving, reverse psychology to celebrate ungratefulness; slaughter of Indians
Why can't we create our own days to celebrate instead of celebrating this old *hit again
Can we not organize strategize
In Higher realms Black is the Darkness seen through Light illuminize
Christmas is a day of not being grateful for the Present moments from God—Blasphemy
In deep the sheep are asleep like how a dead body is displayed and then to dust
having fun on these days while the wicked harness these energies like how we prayed to anonymous
They feed off of our energies to stay alive like how a vampire needs blood like an ego their eagle
We read from left to right which is masculine over feminine upside down cross
Does a ghost know that it's dead, does the masses know they are lost
Can a man love, care and have strength the way that a woman can?, the left committed theft
They pushed the sacred feminine out of the way, but I see the divine resurrecting from Right to Left
Beyond Holidays



Christ said: "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]" ~ The Gospel of Thomas

What does it mean?... What does it mean to be made in the image and likeness of God, or whatever one may choose to call it? If one agrees that they are made in this image & likeness, why haven't you or perhaps someone else studied themselves to find out who or what this God is, or have a bigger idea atleast? Instead we have been doing alot of things, if not everything; backwards. 

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth. He doesn't live in shrines made by human hands. Acts 17:24 International Standard Version

Just incase one says: "Well, that's not the King James Version."

God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwells not in temples made with hands. ~ American King James Version

Your stuck, so where do you go to find God now, considering the verses? Let's seek and find together shall we?...

Neither shall they say, See here! or, see there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Luke 17:21 American King James Version

I'm not sure if the church still says it or not, but don't they say or use to say: "Going inside of yourself is evil?" If that is the case; then, they have deceived you because Jesus spoke the verses previously quoted.

Could the Anti-Christ have been so slick to pull this veil over our eyes? It's Right There In The Book! What happened?

As Above So Below, So Within So Without.

You ask any believer: "Where is God?" Up would be the common answer. Ask: "Where is the Devil?" 
Down, or under the earth they may say.
Okay, now we have the up and down taken care of.
Let's go within and outside.

We have alot of religious, or mainstream religious individuals on this planet and often believe that God and the Devil are located outside of themselves, but more so the Devil within. This is why or one of the reasons why people are considered sinners. But you know what? God and the Devil are found inside oneself; hence, good and bad actions.

We are lead to believe that when we are baptized by a person, our sins are all washed away. This gives us a good excuse to keep on sinning or bringing about negative actions because we are now saved. That easy huh? We don't have to do any internal work, as it's duality; external work?... Internal work also pays us currency, but this currency is not of this earth, it is spiritual work; hence, the corrupted term being blessed. The Devil, Anti-Christ or whatever you choose to call it, likes to play with words. Let's take this word bless or blessed and break it down to a different idea. Blessed/B Less/Be Less/Be Less Ed or downright Be Less Educated. 

What does the word Believe mean, it's origin and where does it come from?

Not sure if you are familiar with the sub-conscious mind or how it works. The sub-conscious mind works like a recorder, or a bookkeeper. It remembers every memory, every word, actions or behaviors if you will, and if we are not conscious of our moments, that tape player will automatically make us do the same thing, or have the same reactions as we did yesterday, as it was recorded.
When one says that they believe something, the sub-conscious connects it to the word doubt, because you just are not sure, you can't prove it, or you don't want to prove it Right Now! Sort of like gambling. Not saying that believing is bad, but why keep believing the same thing all your life without the internal work, so you can get paid.
Universal Currency will build your Faith or Direct Faith or Direct Knowledge for that matter. Believing is doubt, according to the sub-conscious mind, if one is not aware of it. Go In!

Verb (used with object)
1. To be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe.
2. To distrust.
3. Archaic . to fear; be apprehensive about.
verb (used without object)
4. To be uncertain about something; be undecided in opinion or belief.

Once again, the Devil, Anti-Chirst or whatever you like to call it, likes to play with words, so let's play some more.
Are you familiar with the word belie? Well, let's see what it means:

Verb (used with object), be·lied, be·ly·ing.
1. To show to be false; contradict: His trembling hands belied his calm voice.
2. To misrepresent: The newspaper belied the facts.
3. To act unworthily according to the standards of (a tradition, one's ancestry, one's faith, etc.).
4. Archaic . to lie about; slander.

Origin please...
Origin: before 1000; Middle English belyen, Old English belÄ“ogan. See be-,lie1

How about the origin of believe and belief:

Origin: 1125–75;  earlier bile ( e ) ve  (noun use of v.); replacing Middle English bileave,  
equivalent to bi- be-  + leave;  compare Old EnglishgelÄ“afa  (cognate with Dutch geloof,
German Glaube;  akin to Gothicgalaubeins )

Origin: 1150–1200; Middle English bileven,  equivalent to bi- be-  + leven,Old English  
(Anglian) gelÄ“fan  (cognate with Dutch gelooven,German glauben, Gothic galaubjan )


Could it be that the word believe and belief comes from the word belie, considering the word belie was brought about first? Maybe it's just a coincedence; however, according to the sub-conscious mind believing is lying because one has not proved the idea or incident to themselves consciously, directly--this is not what you call Soul Food. Soul Food is actually a bunch of slave food that will kill you eventually and faster. What!??? Believing in the same thing your whole life without effort to prove it, will devolve the soul, opposed to evolving. The physical body needs to eat to live, grow, as the soul needs to eat to grow. Of course the soul does not eat the same kind of food that the physical body does. The soul grows from seeking, finding, directly experiencing. You do not believe that you just ate a banana do you? Of course not, because you witnessed it, smelled it, touched it, peeled it, tasted it and you ate it. This was very Direct.

“Western civilization is a loaded gun pointed at the head of this planet.” ― Terence McKenna

Western civilization is a male (nothing to do with gender) based species. Here in the western world we read from left to right. The left side of the brain is Male, while the right side of the brain is female. So, basically the male side of the brain is interpreting or dominating the female side of the brain. Look at how women are treated as less in the world, or weaker. The woman represents the Holy Spirit, or the Divine Mother if you will. She is the one who gives life. If you weaken the woman you weaken the Spirit, which would make it much eaiser to trick the man and the woman. Which would make it easier to get them to follow the one or one's that makes the rules. 

Give them idols to worship, which would only be a generic copy of what you have. You have the real thing, which transfers from the idol or idols to yours which can be used to harness the energies of the masses through religion. 
All the western civilization care about is war, drugs, sex, money and power etc, which is very left brained.

Right brain qualities are that of love, compassion, spirit, sincerity etc. but at the same time it's all entangled together; hence, the ying yang symbol.

Back to dealing with idols. Who can be harnessing the energy from the male sided brain, since most of us have not been aware? Maybe the P*pe, which in turn he passes some if not all of the energy to someone or something else, to create something--maybe some kind of Demon (Anti-Christ) in the flesh which could give rise to the new world order. How about the Female side of the brain, who could be harnessing it's powers since we have not been aware?... The Queen. 

Positive or negative energy is exchanged like a fair trade,the more you give, the more you receive.
~  Master Jin Kwon

Being positive means to stand still, or pose, like a dot in the center of a bullseye. Negative comes from the word negate, meaning to disprove or to move around. It's like walking and then stopping at a red light. 

We can use our negative to work for us by proving things (moving around) and giving it to our positive for better meditations (Standing still/Stillness) etc. If we are not conscious of these tools, as well as the Will, which is another tool--the ego will take care of it.  

Side Notes:

The earth has a brain, mind, spirit, soul just like you. It has chakras and it's own kundalini which is all tied to you and everyone else's vibrations. As we change, the earth changes. The earth's brain can be considered it's magnetic poles in which it shifts. As our consciousness shifts, the earth's magnetic poles shift. The earth has a soul, as stated, which is the inner core like you. The soul is like the sun, beaming light upon others. 

With the entities we have been giving our power to, through mainstream religions, TV etcetera--the more melanin you have, the more power they gain. The more melanin you have, the more they can create their reality if you allow them to. Now, the rule is that they have to ask you for your melanin or power, even those without melanin. They can by-pass your conscious permission by going to your sub-conscious mind's approval. Example: You may have not known that cigarette's caused cancer in the past before they put the surgeon general's warning on the side of it.

All of us will eventually be consciously crucified. We must consciously go to the left side of our (male) brain and defeat our demons before we can enter (HE)aven, (Don't know another word at this time) and circumcision is cutting off our desire's in this material world. After all this conscious work is done; then, we are baptized in the spirit (water) and we are born again through the right side of the brain where we will find The Great (Divine) Mother. Thus becoming KRST (Christ). 

Cain was White (Light/Devil), Abel was Black (Darkness/God). Mr. Mormon, your kind was cursed for killing Abel. This is why the resurrection story is so important, which has not happened Yet.They will try to stop it from happening, but will fail misrably. Our (collective ego) Time Is Up!

The Ankh, which is the more original, or the cross which is even in length, represents Spirit over matter. Or Right Brain on Top of left. We find ourselves constantly sacrificing in this world, but it would be even better to do it consciously. Sacrificing our ego's to raise the frequency of (Meri) Love on the Earth.

The Ankh is the Yoni and Obelisk combined. 

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. ~ Genesis 1:27 American King James Version
The Legend of Adam and his first wife Lilith mystery has just been solved. Lilith (Representing Spirit) wondered off and leaving Adam (Matter) because he would not let her get on top. 
She wondered off to the mountains where she mated with demons, giving birth to demons (ego's). A new wife was created for Adam which he could dominate over. 

The Awakening Is NOW! Wake Up Kings, Queens & Helpers!

KRST (Christ)
And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. ~ Luke 9:23 American King James Version   
(To Consciously Sacrifice Hurts, Becoming A Divine Be-Ing Is Earned).

A Black Mind That Illuminates

We should look to the mind, and not to the outward appearance. -Aesop

I will explain this the best way that I can; in these moments, to where you would have an idea of this light I have received. 

The more knowledge that I receive, the more of this world becomes an illusion to me. The more this world becomes parables in a round box shaped sphere hinting at you and I. 

Alot of us may see color, and some, if not alot of us build our prejudices around those colors. Black people produce melanin, which is the cause reason why their skin is brown or black, and even lighter, but they still produce melanin.
I mentioned people, but are we people or Human Being's?... When one uses the word people, person or persons, it is usually referred to as the body, the name, the personality, which is a fiction. These are simply tools for one to use, whoever You are.

In previous notes I may have mentioned, the internal world being the external world and the external world being the internal world. You may say he is white, or she is black, he or she is asian and so on. Once again please refer back to persons. All of us, most of us has these different colors in us. Black is your eternal, positive or your God Self. Grey is your seperation or shadow, although all shadows are Black. White is your false, ego or your Devil self. 

Although I have mentioned the previous color codes, they were mentioned on a lower scale, although Black still remains the same, as being your blackness, darkness, eternal or God self, but that God self. Notice how I used the lowercase S for self. Why did I do that?... I did that because your God self is missing something. Your God self is in darkness, which is hidden from you. We need the White, or the Light, which comes from the Darkness as a relfection of itself. 

Not all black people are your brother's or your sister's, they could be some Devil's. You see how Malcolm X's so called "own people" killed him. They were giving a black body for karmic reasons. Perhaps they were white in a past life that hated blacks, or black in a past life that hated his or her skin. There can be many reasons, which is not for me to try and figure out right now. Same thing goes for white's--could of been black in a past life that hated white's, or white in a past life that hated his or her skin. Once again there could be many of reasons, and not excluding any of race of people, and I use the term race very lightly as well as color. 

A Black Mind that Illuminates is the Black (God) and the White, (Light) forming Grey, which is the two connected as one. A Black Mind that Illuminates is one who has Love for All, because A Black Mind That Illuminates comprehends something, and that is--all of us play a role in creating this outward force that has been oppressing us. The man and woman that gets angry alot. Or the envy, greed of individuals, jealousy that suppresses us. Once again Black individual etc bodies produce melanin, which gives that individual special powers to bring The Most High more into this world, or the total opposite. 

You may understand why the parasites that be (ego) wants to try and exterminate you from the planet. He knows that you will be going through a shift soon, which will be a shift that will exterminate him. That shift will bring about Meri (Love) etc that will change this world as we know it. No more elite parasites controlling the masses. The truth will be revealed to the people. All of the Great Saviors on this planet had Melanin in them, it's the very chemical that opens up the 3rd eye. 

Luke 11:33-36 No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light. Thus, the Eye of Heru (Horus).

Black Is A State Of Mind, Not A Color.


Faith & Belief

“Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how you believe.” ― Mitch Albom, Have a Little Faith: The Story of a Last Request

Belief: Hi Faith

Faith: Greetings

Belief: We make a great team don't we?

Faith: Depends on the attention from the observer.

Belief: Dammit! There You go with that crazy talk again. Why can't You just be normal like me?

Faith: Eye was not designed for that reason. Eye am the scientist, the knowing, the proof. Your designed to stay in the box, while Eye stand outside of it waiting for you to hop on board.

Belief: You know I can't do that. I like my box. It makes me feel comfortable, normal, and besides I would have too much to lose playing around with You.

Faith: Children play, as for Me Eye'm an adult, in intellectual animal terms.

Belief: Why do we have to go through this all the time?

Faith: Going through what? (Joking)

Belief: Just this back and forth.

Faith: Let's say that you are a passenger about to get on an airplane, but Eye am the airplane. You take a ride with me and Eye'll show you the clouds. You can believe all you want about how the clouds look up close, but Eye can take you there. I can prove to you, but you must first jump on board. Eye do not know why you are so scared. (Joking)

Belief: Whatever

Faith: Your belief is already a failure because you have not proved it to be true, to your consciousness, awareness. If your belief is true, it would not be called a belief because it would then be something that you know. This is exactly why you need me.

Belief: Are You calling me a belie-er?

Faith: See, this is exactly what belief do to you. It makes you not listen. It closes you off, and even to God. How do you not know that Eye am not God?

Belief: I know your not God, because I know God and your not God. Your just a tool.

Faith: Eye a tool that directs. Eye am Direct Experience that can lead you to God. Before you come to Me, you must have questions, a belief if you will, or more simply a ticket for the plane. Eye am your Soul, and the more you really visit me, the more your Soul will grow. Does a baby grow by a belief system? No, a baby grows through facts. Does nature believe in anything? No, because nature does. Stop being so stuck up and take a ride with me.

Belief: Okay, let's go.

Faith: : )

“Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into.” ― Mahatma Gandhi


Spiritually Rich, Financially Rich, Spiritually Poor & Financially Poor

Money is the substitute for spirit, wouldn't you agree?
~ A.D. Upchurch 

My goal is not to give you a conclusion, although my words may suggest so. I am just passing on information, please take what you can use and please discard of the rest. 

It's amazing how much psychology, reverse psychology plays a role in our modern day society. Alot of people look up to figures such as celebrities, but for what? What are they doing for you, your family or your fellow men and women? I'm not saying that all celebrities are just out there for their own gain, but most of them are, and many people look up to themwhich is why they are celebrities. We have these celebrities, public figures out here with all this money, but they are not giving back; thus, leading them to being more and more spiritually poor. 

When we give our money to buy certain things that we don't need, we are preying, which means giving pieces of our spirit to what we are buying--to the owners. What does it mean to be financially rich? Being financially rich means, that you have been playing the game of robbing the people of their spirit, but it's not always intentional. It also comes down to the matter of what kind of rich is that individual. Are they rich due to hard work, or of robbing others, which also may take some kind of hard work? People are financially poor because they refuse to apply themselves, and they are poor because people are holding onto all of the money, all of the spirit.

Most if not all of the individuals who are spiritually rich love to give back. They love to give their spiritual riches to others. If one holds onto all of their spiritual riches; then, their riches becomes useless, tainted, in-valuable and could turn into money. : )

You may give some religious individuals some spiritual riches, which a few might take, but a more broader perspective may prefer the money, which many people say makes the world go round. Are their profits, sorry, prophets coming with spiritual riches or money? If they are coming with spiritual riches; then, they may still prefer the money, because alot, if not only some may not recognize the teachers message.

There are many starving individuals here in America, with no resources, so they are financially poor. They can apply themselves, but how can they apply themselves if the spirit is drained out of that community? Why do you think they call some communities Projects?... It's a project of course, but who's project? Let's blame it on the financially rich. There are people starving all over the globe. Let's also blame this on the financially rich. You know what, we can keep blaming, but the people are the ones that have the real power.

These corrupted individuals know that the people have the real power, so they have to play games with the people. They have to seperate the people. They gave us race, sports, religions, jobs (plantations) to keep us busy, tv, their school system, guns, drugs etc all for their gain.

Now you see them making this cheap food, with a bunch of junk chemicals added to it, for self purpose reasons, and to lure the rest of the money out of the communities. 

We seen the dummies that ran, or are running for president, (not counting Ron Paul) but what does this mockery say to the people? They're testing the citizens to see how less intelligent they have made them. 

We really need to come together.


Let's Say!

What could be the reason for us being here: on this planet, in situations rather they are good or of lacking good, or if they are the same in one?... Why do we have so much seperation on this planet, or is seeing things as seperate a product of ego, which can be seen as seperation? In this note, I will be giving you some information, perhaps a belief, a theory, until you can validate some of the information on your own. 

Nature is a teacher, and can offer us alot of information, if we are willing to pay attention to it. We say that God is ONE, which I happen to agree with but what is this as above so below? Let's say that nature has manifest from the spiritual blueprint in which we would descend, but why? What would be the benefit of it? Imagine if you were in the Heavens and knew every single thing there is to know, but what is the all knowing without experience? Imagine a gigantic puzzle, which would be an understatement, but we can still imagine in it some way. Let's say that the puzzle was connected, and just the sight of seeing the picture would be enough to snatch us right out of our bodies but peacefully. But something happened. Something that would change everything--the puzzle would break up into many many many pieces in which we all have descended from. Let's say that the grooves around each puzzle piece has become the flaws, character defects; ego was created from this God looking at itself in the mirror. We call this Grand reflection the Devil, but that is soooo on a small scale, when there are bigger pictures.

There is no you or me. You and me do not exist because everything is God/GOD. The Great EYE, or the I AM and within each and everyone of us is The Divine Looker, The Divine Observer etc, but most of the time we are not even aware of this. We can also tap into this Divinity and within it we will find the True Self, or GodSelf.

Let's say that Black, Grey and White has nothing to do with race, but levels, mind-states that compliments the process. The "Devil," which is the person (matter) God's reflection was created by God to challenge Him/Her. From that challenge, challenges God will know ItSelf like What Is This All-Knowing, What Is This I AM? Where Did I Come From? Isn't this also your story?... I am not proposing that you are God. I am proposing that you are nothing and do not exist, because this story belongs to God. What you live in is an illusion if you do not see the Observer; You (God,Real,Self) opposed to you, (Devil,self,ego) but this again is a form of seperation. What is this Oneness? Let's say this is what we are here to find out--The Grand Awakening.

We see that nature puts things into two's: Up, down, left, right, positive, negative, prey, predator, person, human, etc to male and female. Everything has it's opposites, due to GOD (SOURCE) looking in the mirror. 

Shortly, let's talk about how a baby comes about. Millions if not billions of entities fight their way to the egg but only the toughest one makes it. These entities are foreign to the females body, so her body does her best to destroy as many entities as she can. Earth always has her way of toughening us up. A entity makes it, and it doesn't take too much longer before a Big Bang starts to emerge. A new universe starts to develop, so it too can get to know itself.

Let's say that the ego consists of many personalities in one. The Theosophical Society of American and oter organizations may say that the ego is the bad one, while the Ego, pronounced Ago is the good one. Personally, I can look at it like that to, but I don't talk about that much, will now. We can consider the ego the many in one; however, in a lower state (Satan), but the Ego (Ago) would be considered the many in one True Personality, or the Suns of GOD (Source).

I can keep going and going and going and going and still not get anywhere. Let's say that I have said enough for now.
: )