Sunday, November 11, 2012

Faith & Belief

“Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how you believe.” ― Mitch Albom, Have a Little Faith: The Story of a Last Request

Belief: Hi Faith

Faith: Greetings

Belief: We make a great team don't we?

Faith: Depends on the attention from the observer.

Belief: Dammit! There You go with that crazy talk again. Why can't You just be normal like me?

Faith: Eye was not designed for that reason. Eye am the scientist, the knowing, the proof. Your designed to stay in the box, while Eye stand outside of it waiting for you to hop on board.

Belief: You know I can't do that. I like my box. It makes me feel comfortable, normal, and besides I would have too much to lose playing around with You.

Faith: Children play, as for Me Eye'm an adult, in intellectual animal terms.

Belief: Why do we have to go through this all the time?

Faith: Going through what? (Joking)

Belief: Just this back and forth.

Faith: Let's say that you are a passenger about to get on an airplane, but Eye am the airplane. You take a ride with me and Eye'll show you the clouds. You can believe all you want about how the clouds look up close, but Eye can take you there. I can prove to you, but you must first jump on board. Eye do not know why you are so scared. (Joking)

Belief: Whatever

Faith: Your belief is already a failure because you have not proved it to be true, to your consciousness, awareness. If your belief is true, it would not be called a belief because it would then be something that you know. This is exactly why you need me.

Belief: Are You calling me a belie-er?

Faith: See, this is exactly what belief do to you. It makes you not listen. It closes you off, and even to God. How do you not know that Eye am not God?

Belief: I know your not God, because I know God and your not God. Your just a tool.

Faith: Eye a tool that directs. Eye am Direct Experience that can lead you to God. Before you come to Me, you must have questions, a belief if you will, or more simply a ticket for the plane. Eye am your Soul, and the more you really visit me, the more your Soul will grow. Does a baby grow by a belief system? No, a baby grows through facts. Does nature believe in anything? No, because nature does. Stop being so stuck up and take a ride with me.

Belief: Okay, let's go.

Faith: : )

“Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into.” ― Mahatma Gandhi


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