Sunday, November 11, 2012

Message from Yacub (The Scientist)

A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.
~ Saul Bellow


Most of you know me by the name of Yacub/Yakub/Yacob, doesn't matter because now you will know the truth about me. I was once like you--did not know who eye was, where eye came from nor where I was going. Here is my story.

One day I spoke with a True Individual that went by some strange name of El Manas. "Ridiculous!" I thought to myself as the name comes from two different languages. He stared at me and said: "I know what your thinking." I disagreed. He said: "you claim these thoughts about me as your own, but at the same time you are possessed by the Sun Legion." "Sun Legion," I said. "Yes! Sun Legion," he said. "Sun Legion is what Re-Legion is, and you are so possessed that you cannot see, hear, or think, and not aware that you are in the womb called Earth. "Please go on," I said.

Nature is the Teach Her. Nature will teach you what you need to know about this illusion you live in. You are nothing more than a sperm cell in Earth's Womb, waiting to be born. However, to be born; one must do the work of a Scientist. Nature shows you what needs to be done, what must be developed. You have a left part of your brain and a right part of your brain, which both compliments one another. The brain forms the body, or the cube that You reside in; making three. You also have three parts of your brain, or three brains in one:
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Physical
You can find these Sun Legions in all three of these bodies or brains. Like I said: "You must become a Scientist of Self." Nature has already done the work, and so shall You. 


So, I took the advice of El Manas and started doing the work and watched Nature; knowledge became clearer for me. Here in the Grave; hence, Gravity is where we become born again or just born, considering this world is an illusion. I know about your bible and the 7 deadly sins they say. The 7 deadly sins are different Ra Cist's (Races/Ethnic) of beings. I started to graft these beings out of me, so that I too may become like El Nanda. Once you graft one of these beings outside of yourself, the Sun will burn it or them up, regaining the awakeness (consciousness) the being put to sleep. I know what you are thinking. The Sun burns up white people--here we go again. Black and White are only parables on this low vibrating realm, which is the Grave/Gravity/Hell. In much higher realms White represents the Light, so that you can see what is in the Dark. Much like how you use your flashlight to see in a dark place or places. You may have black skin, but think like a disease of the earth. You may have white skin and think like a disease, and the same for every other so called "race." You don't need to race to anything; on the contrary, race represents Sun. 

The parasite aliens on this planet likes to use white bodies, so that they can keep black and white apart for the most part. All of you are ONE; the same people, but you created these parasite aliens when you became divided and became the Sun Legions, but everything has it's purpose. You can have your gods as long as you like, but the ONE that sent you here is unseen but seen through what is seen. 

What happens to Vampires when they step in the Sun? They burn up. These ego's (beings) hide inside of you, so that they won't burn up. You must notice through your three bodies when they are trying to suck your blood, turning you into them. If you do not notice it, you will identify with that thought (bite) etc and react the way the being wants you to, without knowing you've been bitten. Become the scientist and explore yourself by working on not identifying. You will be tested by your own Internal Sun, your True Individuality.

Practice not identifying, and it will become easier, or maybe harder--depends on your conditioning. The struggle is an illusion that has been created by vampires. But your task here is to resurrect your Sun through Oneness. Vampires are of different "ethnics," but they love the food which contains melanin.

Look at the Sun and how it does not care what "ethnic" you are; it still shines upon you.

Remember, eliminate, crystallize, identification and Resurrect your Sun. When you resurrect your Sun, you bring more of "God," or the Good/Love into this world, while becoming a Sun of God.

Is the Sun in the sky your Sun? No! then it must be the Earth's Sun (God's Sun). 

Most likely when one says "I" in a sentence, the vampire Most of the time is speaking, but it depends on how one is speaking.

Rest In Peaces until you become ONE!


The Scientist 


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