Sunday, November 11, 2012


Among a thousand who seek me, one finds me. Among a thousand who find me, one follows me. And among a thousand who follow me, one is mine.” - Bhagavad-Gita

Beautiful saying from Lord Krishna isn't it?... I find it fascinating that this quote can be taken also internally.
Let's go in, and go out, in and out again. Think about how a baby manifests from an intimate couple making love, or just having sex.. Depending on the male; millions upon millions of sperm cells can be released into the female, and then the race starts. The cells are racing to the egg, (Earth) so that the cell may be born, but the mother's body is destroying as many of these cells as she can because her system finds these entities to be foreign.


Man-made religions are created, which pushes back out a few thousand cells. TV is created and we watch a bunch of non-sense on it, which pushes back a few more thousand. External jobs are created which may slow down the process, must we must work in order to make an external living, but this may also push back a few more thousand. All kinds of distractions are created to slow down the race, but these are the tests. We are constantly tested. Wouldn't you want your child to be much more stronger than you?... Well, this is what the God and Goddess want as well. They want the best of the best to return back to them from chaos. How are diamonds created? How do roses grow from concrete? How does a funny looking critter like a caterpillar grow into a butterfly?

We fight one another, which slows down a few thousand more cells. Sports keeping people seperate and competing with one another slows down a few more thousand cells. Corrupted music, controlling of minds, movies, TV shows etc.

Through all of this, one cell makes it to the egg (Earth). Think of these cells as souls that want to incarnate into physical bodies, but they are constantly tested in the womb (Earth). The strongest survives. The soul is finally developing in the mother until it is Born. I think babies know that they have to repeat the same madness again that they already went through, but in the physical plane; perhaps this is why they cry after exiting the mother earth--it can be anything though. Maybe because they have been in darkness for so long, and then born into the light/artificial light, which is blinding. Think about yourself watching TV in the dark, and then you turn the light on--it hurts your eyes for a minute. 

Here on earth, we must not get caught up in mainstream things, especially in the western world because eveything is reversed. White is Black and black is white. Prescription pills are mainstream when natural herbs are not etc.

Be of Service to Humanity and You Will Be Heard. The Power is Already Within All of You.

God became your enemy on Earth to keep you buried in the dirt, but it is your job to resurrect from that dirt with what the Goddess has given You. Don't expect anyone to help you or govern you for your own interest. 


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