Sunday, November 11, 2012

As Above So Below

No one has been barred on account of his race from fighting or dying for America, there are no white or colored signs on the foxholes or graveyards of battle.
~ John F. Kennedy

Although the quote stated the term race, but actually; there is no such thing as race, but a race of souls to the others. In Ancient Kemet (Egypt), they called the Sun: "RA," (Ray). Rrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaayyyyysssss (Race).
We are not races, but rays of the Sun. The Sun is but an illuminated moon.

When we pRAY, who are we pRAYing too? Most of us will say God, but who is God? Who is the God, as in: "In God We Trust," on the dollar bills and coins. America (A Meri Ka) which is formed from two Ancient Egytptian words: "Meri and Ka." Meri means beloved, while Ka is the shadow; thus, a beloved shadow. These are the beings that wants our rays, which is our life force. When we pray, we are most likely pRAYing to these reptiles and they give us so little in return for our life force. The sexual energy which lies in the sperm is also our life force, in which they say spill spill spill--we wonder why pornography is so easily accesible.

Parasites, germs, viruses, reptiles, or whatever you choose to call them were cast out of the darkness and into the light, and from the light and into the grave; hence Earth. These parasites take on white bodies because they are easier to hack into because of biology, but not always the case. Black bodies are much harder because of the biology, but not always the case. The same enemy of the Human Rays are controlling both sides of the fence, but most of us have not noticed it. We say this is a black thing, as the black panther's stated, and pushed away the individuals of a diffrerent skin complexion, but in the spiritual realm they were pushing away the light, or their brothers and sister. Ahhhhh!!! No wonder they failed. They couldn't see clearly.

We are beings that are perfecting, so in this sense we have had different bodies. A white individual can be more black than a black person, or a black person can act more white. An asian can act more like a white person or black, or any other ray for that matter etc.

We are perfecting our souls (moons) into Suns. But we can only do this through the Light, which is given to the soul.

Our life forces has constantly been robbed from us--If we were to see this in the spiritual world, we would see it physically, because this is what we understand... We would see a bully taking away a kids lunch, water, money, or see an african to the skin and bones, and this is exacttly what these parasites have been doing to our souls. How can you fight when you do not have life force, or a lack of it?... How can you even go to school when you are to weak to even get out of bed?...

Think of the slavery in the opposite sense. If the blacks were the ones that did all kinds of horrific things to your ancestors, and you as a black person wanted to help them, and they tell you that they do not neerd your help because you are the enemy. Inside your head, your thinking; dude, i'm not like they at all-- I hate they ass too. Lol!

We are all One Family, One Body that has not noticed a cancer virus in our body. One person asked me the other day: "Cypher, you say all of this, but white people got all the money." I replied: Blacks have all of the no money, what's the difference?... Lol! Money is only a subsitution for spirit, and they are just as ignorant as we are.

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson are controlled by the same enemy that control the Whites. Pastor's also work for the same enemy, but i'm not sure if all of them knows this, although they were taught how to read the bible by the enemy. The enemy is not always so visible. This has been a battle of Darkness and Light, when you are just reflections, or compliments of one another. You all have a Sun within yourselves, and everyone around you are your Rays. Wake Up Suns! 


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